Hickory Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

Has a nursing home failed to provide your loved one with adequate care? Is your loved one experiencing serious health concerns because of these negligent actions? If so, you have the right to take legal action and seek compensation for your loved one’s pain.

Nursing homes play an essential role in helping the elderly receive the care they need. They should provide a safe environment, where your loved one receives appropriate medical care, social interaction, and protection to help them as they age. Unfortunately, many nursing homes across the country are understaffed and hire workers who are underqualified to perform their job, leading to an inadequate standard of care.

When a nursing home continually fails to provide your loved one with the care they deserve, the consequences can be extreme, often resulting in serious injuries or even death. This negligent treatment is unacceptable and must be stopped. You need to take action to help your loved one seek justice if they are experiencing nursing home negligence.

The Hickory, North Carolina nursing home negligence attorneys at DeMayo Law Offices are dedicated to helping you protect your loved one from any further harm. We are prepared to fight hard to ensure you receive the appropriate compensation for the pain and suffering this nursing home caused.

You cannot allow this neglect to go on any longer, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Our skilled Hickory personal injury attorneys will help you understand your rights and the available legal options. Contact DeMayo Law Offices at (828) 345-1111 today to set up a free consultation on your case.

Why You Need a Lawyer

When a loved one’s health and safety are at risk, you need to take quick and effective action. You do not have time to learn all of the details of the law, and you cannot afford to make any mistakes that could potentially jeopardize your claim. You need to get your loved one the help they deserve as soon as possible by making a strong case that will force their nursing home to take responsibility for their actions.

That is why you need to hire a skilled nursing home negligence attorney to help you build your case. Your lawyer will explain all of your rights and counsel you on the legal action that you need to take. They will help you gather evidence of neglect to strengthen your claim and will negotiate with the nursing home to ensure you receive appropriate compensation.

Although most cases will end in a settlement, a skilled nursing home neglect attorney will be prepared to take your case to court if necessary. Using aggressive legal tactics, your lawyer will fight on your behalf so you and your loved one get the money you need.

You are experiencing an extremely stressful and emotionally taxing period in your life. However, you do not have to face this challenge alone. You need to work with an attorney who will protect your interests during every step of this difficult process.

Why Choose DeMayo Law Offices, to Manage Your Case

DeMayo Law Offices offers our clients unparalleled service through high-quality legal counsel and compassionate treatment. Our firm employs over 100 skilled legal professionals who are prepared to handle any case, big or small.

Despite our size, DeMayo Law Offices gives every client the personalized attention they deserve and we use targeted legal strategies to meet your specific needs. We offer you the dedication of a small law firm combined with the experience, skill, and resources that only a large firm can provide.

Our attorneys know how important your case is and will show you that we are prepared to fight for you. When you work with us, you become a member of our family, and we will do everything in our power to protect you and the people you love.

What Is Nursing Home Negligence?

Nursing home negligence occurs when a nursing home and its staff consistently fail to provide for your loved one’s needs. This kind of neglect is typically the result of inadequate or substandard care. It can have detrimental effects on your loved one’s well-being. Prolonged nursing home neglect may even result in long-term physical and mental harm.

The Nursing Home Abuse Center defines nursing home neglect as a form of elder abuse, which is punishable by law. However, this treatment is, unfortunately, common throughout the United States. A study of 2000 people living in long-term care facilities found that 95% of residents had witnessed or personally experienced nursing home neglect. Furthermore, the National Center on Elder Abuse revealed that one out of 10 nursing homes has caused serious injuries after failing to provide residents with adequate care.

These statistics demonstrate the shocking epidemic of nursing home negligence in the United States. Unfortunately, even when you do your best to choose a safe and caring nursing home for your loved one, you may not be able to protect them from experiencing serious neglect. If you see signs that your loved one’s needs are being neglected, you have the power to help fight back and put an end to this abuse.

Types of Negligence in Nursing Homes

Neglect in a nursing home can take many different forms, depending on the type and extent of care that your loved one requires. However, no matter what kind of neglect your loved one has experienced, this treatment can negatively impact your loved one’s health, safety, and overall well-being. If left unpunished, nursing home negligence may have a permanent impact on your loved one’s life.

In most cases, nursing home neglect falls into one of four categories:

  • Medical neglect – a failure to provide adequate medical care, such as forgetting to administer medication, providing incorrect medical treatment, or failing to identify and address medical changes
  • Neglect of basic needs – a failure to provide appropriate living standards, such as inadequate food or water, an unsafe living environment, lack of exercise or movement, or incorrect support for residents with limited mobility or cognitive function
  • Personal hygiene neglect – a failure to help residents maintain good hygiene, which may include lack of bathing, forcing residents to remain in soiled clothing or bedding, inadequate laundry services, or poor dental care
  • Neglect of social and emotional needs – a failure to provide appropriate social and mental stimulation, which may include prolonged isolation, treating residents unkindly, or preventing residents from interacting with one another

Although neglect may not be intentional like other forms of abuse, it is just as damaging and dangerous to a resident’s well-being. You expect a nursing home to provide for your loved one’s needs so they can lead a fulfilling and safe life as they age. When a nursing home fails in this duty, they must face consequences for providing an unacceptable standard of care.

Possible Harm from Nursing Home Negligence

Elder residents typically need more assistance in performing daily tasks that keep them healthy. It is the nursing home’s responsibility to identify and address these needs as quickly as possible. Without the appropriate care, your loved one’s health may deteriorate quickly, and they may struggle to recover from this harm due to their age.

Some of the serious physical and mental effects of prolonged nursing home neglect may include:

  • Worsening or new health problems
  • Frequent injuries from falls or rough treatment
  • Bedsores
  • Rashes and infection
  • Loss of teeth
  • Significant weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Chronic fatigue

These are just some of the many ways that neglect can seriously harm your loved one. If your loved one experiences any of these symptoms or are taking more frequent trips to the doctor or hospital, you need to take action to determine if your loved one is being neglected.

Compensation After Nursing Home Negligence

Filing a nursing home negligence claim can help receive financial support for a variety of damages this nursing home caused. The type and severity of the negligence your loved one experienced will determine how much you can recover. However, this compensation typically covers:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Increased or specialized nursing services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

In the worst cases of nursing home neglect, your loved one may not be able to recover from the physical toll of prolonged inadequate care. If a nursing home’s negligence led to your loved one’s death, you need to talk to DeMayo Law Offices about filing a wrongful death claim against the facility. This type of claim will help you seek additional compensation after this devastating loss.

Contact a North Carolina Nursing Home Negligence Attorney

If a loved one is experiencing nursing home neglect, you need to take action as quickly as possible. Your loved one may not be able or willing to speak out against this neglect on their own, but you can take steps to end this unacceptable treatment.

The Hickory nursing home attorneys at DeMayo Law Offices are ready to start working on your claim right now. We provide a 24/7 phone line, so you can get help whenever you need it most. This neglect cannot continue any longer, so call DeMayo Law Offices at (828) 345-1111 today.

Call us Toll Free- 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

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