After a car accident, it is the job of the insurance company to investigate the accident to determine how much compensation should be paid to you. The insurance company adjuster will talk to you about the accident and the damage that resulted from it.
Remember that the adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company as much money as possible. This means they will try to get you to admit that the accident was your fault, accept a small amount of compensation, and avoid hiring a lawyer.
Unfortunately, while the insurance company adjuster may act like they want to give you what is best for you, they do not work for you. They work for the insurance company. The best way to deal with adjusters is to hire an experienced car accident lawyer and let them handle the adjuster directly.
When meeting with an adjuster, you should always have an experienced car accident lawyer present. This will make the adjuster take you more seriously, and at the same time, your lawyer can offer valuable advice while you answer the adjuster’s questions, as well as act as a witness to the conversation.
A car accident can be a very serious situation, and an insurance company adjuster may try to make it seem like your losses are as small as possible. This is not fair to you. You deserve to be fully compensated for your losses after a car accident.
An experienced car accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Michael A. DeMayo will evaluate your claim during your free initial consultation. Contact us today at DeMayo Law Offices.